Hi, I want to give my opinion guys about those tests, I swear I always scored 6 to 6,5 in the best cases (with a little cheating you know search for spelling before submitting the answer for 1 word or two) btw I did more than 20 test here. I got depressed and lost hope then I started reading comments to see if I was the only one, then I went to YouTube and discovered there are ielts practicing books 1 to 18, and they are the most reliable and genuine, so I write in search 'ielts listening test Cambridge' and I entered the first one
'https://ieltstrainingonline.com/cambridge-practice-tests-for-ielts-listening/' that's not an ad for this website,
I found all the books free, so I got myself together and started my first test, I didn't do well because this website had a lot of ads even between the questions also some bad ads might had explicit content so that I couldn't focus, then I discovered there is one way is to get ielts books with audio, so hmmmm I bought them hhhh, the story start know, I did my first test and I acted as an ielts examiner no cheating no extra point, I want to know the truth my real score, and you know what I got 7.5 (32 points), I didn't believe it may be is easy or I was lucky so I did the next one and I got 7 (30 points), this last one was hard, so for everyone here struggling to get a decent band, he should try the real test books from cambridge buy the books or if you are broke buy them hhhh as I did, this website may sometime use the real test so sometimes you got a high band score and in the next test you drop by 1 band or 1,5, and you get upset, because the most of test here are fake and harder. if there is any spelling error in my msg don't care I didn't sleep for 2days and now it's 4 am, and I did 5 tests in the last 5 hours. guys, I will come back to this msg on 29 or 30 of December and give you my review and my band score, wish me good luck.